Feb 27, 2011

3rd Grade Blog Stars 2010/2011

Our PSSArt focus led 3rd grade artists to explore story quilts.  First, the students wrote cinquains - simple, 5-line poems that follow a formula:
adjective - adjective 
3 words ending in -ing 
A simple sentence 

After writing their poems, and doing a preliminary sketch, artists glued fabric to create an illustrative collage.  Then they embellished their collages by sewing on buttons and beads.  Finally, artists wrote out their poems on the fabric and painted it, for a tie-dye effect.

Lauren Liscio
Curious, funny
listening, helping, playing
Penguins are cute.

Terri-Lynn Miles

Best Friends
Truthful, pretty
living, laughing, loving
Best friends are the best. 
Best friends

Josh Bobbin
Quick, huge
running, chasing, eating
A quick leopard was eating an antelope. 

Jack Miele
Hot, prickly
blazing, burning, living
The desert is sandy. 

Hunter Legge
Creative, 20 X's the fun
amazing, spinning, inspiring
It's a funny start. 

3rd grade artists recently studied two artists, Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse.  We began by reading this funny book that puts a slightly humorous spin on the artists' friendship and rivalry.

With Picasso we focused on cubism.  Cubism is a 20th century style of art that features, many geometric shapes and the simultaneous presentation of multiple points of view.  3rd grade artists tried a quick drawing of their favorite animal incorporating some of the cubist style.

Brianna Haenel

Mekhi Jackson

3rd grade artists also learned about Henri Matisse.  We looked at his cut paper collages.  He called the method "drawing with scissors".  Although it was challenging not to use a pencil and to use only scissors to create shapes and figures, the artists were very successful!

Jocelynn MacDonald

Ryan Novak


3rd grade artists were inspired by a Nigerian folktale called Why the Sky is So Far Away.  They created these masks to personify the character of the sky.  First, we talked about the many different colors and characteristics of the sky and students used watercolor paints to create a "practice sky".   Then we examined a variety of African masks as we discussed pattern and composition.  Finally students used recycled cardboard shapes, tempera paints, oil pastels, foam, foil, beads and pipe cleaners to create their amazing finished masks.

Jacob Whisner

Madison Spanbauer

Josh Reto

Amelia Bogavich

Next up was the "Impossible Jar" project.  Students were asked to think of something that could not possibly be placed into a jar, due to it's size, and then squeeze it in one anyway! They created humorous paintings using watercolor colored pencils.  "Thank You" to my dear friend, and fellow art teacher, Renae Neumeyer for the inspiration for this project.  I am lucky to have many close friends who are art teachers in Pennsylvania and New York and we often share ideas!

Gabriella Kline

1 comment:

  1. cool i forgot and thats awsome jonathan
